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Welcome to the Isle Education Trust website. We hope that this site provides you with all the information you require regarding our Trust and that you will get a sense of the organisation we are and aspire to be. If you are interested in finding out more about Isle Education Trust please contact us.

  • South Axholme
  • Coritani
  • Epworth Primary

Coritani Academy are proud to announce that we have achieved the gold standard of the Caring2Learn award.  We are only the second school in North Lincolnshire to achieve this status and it truly reflects the success of the relationship-based education that we deliver.

The Caring2Learn Award identifies excellent practice in education for the most vulnerable students. The programme assesses evidence of schools ethos and leadership, child centred approaches, work with parents / carers and partnerships with other professionals to support young people.

Achieving the highest standard shows our commitment to caring school principles, which ultimately puts children at the heart of everything we do.  One of our students was invited to present the award at the recent conference (see picture below)