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  • South Axholme
  • Coritani
  • Epworth Primary

Breaking news

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  • Ready for a few rounds

    Published 13/02/25

    Last week students visited Twin Tigers Boxing Academy for a couple of rounds of boxing.  Students did fantastically well, developing new techniques and abilities as well as experiencing a new environment.

    Boxing is a dynamic sport that requires students to apply strength, agility, speed and endurance. Effectively, students have the opportunity to take part in a physically demanding activity that will improve an individual’s cardiovascular health, muscular strength, general physical fitness as well as improving mental wellbeing.

    Our week has shown that students are ready to apply themselves to the best of their ability. There were definitely a few stars in the making.

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  • Inspiring Excellence in Trampolining

    Published 13/02/25

    During the last week of January, students of Coritani visited Allegro Gymnastics to take part in Trampolining. Students were eager and ready to learn, which allowed them to be able to develop their physical fitness with a low impact, full body workout.  Students were able to expand their social skills whilst boosting their well-being.

    All the students were incredibly respectful to the coaches and facilities, allowing our trips to be safe. Well done everyone!!

    This week was such a success that we already have plans to return in the near future and as an added bonus, some students have even joined Allegro Gymnastics on a weekend.

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  • Inspiring Excellence through Poetry

    Published 30/01/25

    Coritani's first ever visit to Poetry Live in Manchester was a great day, with poets including Carol Ann Duffy, Owen Sheers, Imtiaz Dharker and the poet Laureate Simon Armitage all speaking about their work and their inspiration.

    Students gained a greater understanding into the writers' intentions of their poems, which is invaluable for their understanding in Literature and the world of music, art and writing in addition to showing alternative career paths. 

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  • Ready, Respectful, GO!

    Published 29/01/25

    Our learners had a fantastic opportunity to go behind the scenes at Doncaster Racecourse with the Racing to School Maths programme. They explored key areas like the weighing room and parade ring, gaining insight into race day preparations and the many careers in horse racing.  

    The day was packed with hands-on maths activities, from calculating race distances to understanding jockey weights. The learners were highly engaged, with some even inspired to explore careers in racing!  

    A huge thank you to Racing to School and Doncaster Racecourse for an exciting and educational experience.

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  • Ready for Anything

    Published 28/01/25

    Our learners have completed a mini first aid course gaining new skills which can save lives.  We were really impressed with the focus and participation and could see that we have some future NHS workers amongst our school community.  The engagement was great to see, both in asking and answering questions as well as the practical skills demonstrated. This course has inspired our learners and they should be proud of their achievement.

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  • Ready for Art assessments

    Published 27/01/25

    Year 10 and Year 11 visited York in January as part of their GCSE Art and Photography projects and exam pieces.

    Visiting the Railway Museum, Museum Gardens, The Shambles and The Minster gave students time to consider their ideas for Flora, Angles, Places and Spaces as well as look into the historical architecture that the city has to offer.

    All students completed some good work towards their projects and gained some excellent understanding of their own work and the direction it should take, as well as taking the time to consider the projects that their classmates are undertaking.

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  • Inspiring Excellence in Swimming

    Published 23/01/25

    Since the 12th November, Years 5 & 6 have been swimming their way to success. Each student has achieved a splashing amount of certificates and badges, which has shown their devotion to being READY for all their lessons they have attended.

    From the very beginning, students dived straight in, by listening and trusting in their swimming teachers. By being RESPECTFUL, students were able to make massive strides in their swimming ability.

    Swimming can have many benefits from leading a healthy and active lifestyle, as well as developing social skills. However, at the end of the day, being able to swim can save your life! This is why it is part of the National Curriculum. Now these students know how to stay SAFE near water.

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  • Wands at the Ready!

    Published 09/12/24

    Abrcadabra, Alakazam, rehearse your directions as fast as you can!. Humber class have been casting magical spells in Maths this week to recall their knowledge of position and direction. Learners cast up, down, left, right, clockwise and anticlockwise spells in full wizard attire. A magical lesson with fun learning for all. 

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  • Inspiring excellent dental hygiene with our pearly whites

    Published 09/12/24

    Coritani Juniors have been learning all about animals, including humans, in Science. One aspect of their learning is to understand our teeth, why we need them and how to keep them clean. Our learners particularly enjoyed investigating how clean our teeth are with disclosure tablets and then using their new bamboo toothbrushes to brush them back to pearly white.

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  • Keeping Safe in the water

    Published 09/12/24

    On Wednesday 13th November, Year 5 & 6 visited The Pods Leisure Centre in Scunthorpe.  This was the first swimming trip for Coritani Academy.  Five enthusiastic students had a great time building their water confidence and learning new swimming skills.  This is the first of eight trips which form part of the governments Key Stage 2 PE National Curriculum.

    The objective of these sessions is for the pupils to build on their existing swimming competences and further develop their social skills.  This was a great success in which students proved themselves to be safe and respectful during their visit.  Pupils put in maximum effort and enjoyed the lesson and experience, they are all looking forward to the next lesson.

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  • Ready for the Cinema

    Published 02/12/24

    This term, our school had the fantastic opportunity to participate in the annual Into Film Festival, the largest free film festival for young people in the UK. It was a chance for our pupils to enjoy the magic of cinema while developing their cultural and critical thinking skills.  

    Our Key Stage 2 pupils enjoyed a delightful screening of Garfield. This classic family comedy was a big hit, sparking lots of laughter and discussion. The children were an absolute credit to the school, showing impeccable behaviour throughout the visit. It was heart-warming to see their excitement and enthusiasm as they immersed themselves in the cinematic experience.  

    As an extension of the festival, we treated our Key Stage 3 and 4 students to a spectacular viewing of Wicked. The Into Film Festival has once again provided an enriching cultural experience, sparking creativity, engagement, and new perspectives among our pupils. We are already looking forward to next year’s events!  

    Thank you to all staff and pupils for making this year’s film festival participation such a success!

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  • Ready for Adulthood

    Published 02/12/24

    November saw, what we hope to be an annual trip to experience a musical.  This year the student council selected Hairspray and so the seniors in the academy ventured to Hull New Theatre to experience the west end production.  For many it was a new experience and they learnt that musicals were mainly delivered through song unlike the stage productions they have seen before.

    The most important part of the day was travelling to and from Hull.  In order make sure our learners are ready for the next stage in their lives we took them on the Fastcab 350 which has built on the work we have done on public transport over the past few weeks.  The journey wasn't easy as the bus filled up and the return journey was delayed.  All skills needed for later life.

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