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Welcome to the Isle Education Trust website. We hope that this site provides you with all the information you require regarding our Trust and that you will get a sense of the organisation we are and aspire to be. If you are interested in finding out more about Isle Education Trust please contact us.

  • South Axholme
  • Coritani
  • Epworth Primary


Thrive is part of our daily practice here at Coritani and as well as all staff using emotion coaching techniques, the students have 1:1 interventions to develop their social and emotional skills and support positive mental health.

We have been working on enabling young people to understand their emotions and helping them to develop the relevant skills required to manage these. Here we are using sand to explore feelings, actions and consequences through therapeutic stories.

Luke is showing great imagination and recognised some similarities between himself and the characters demonstrating emotional literacy skills.

The students look forward to and enjoy their sessions and we are seeing progress in terms of self-awareness through their individualised plans.

It is great to hear the students discussing and using some of the techniques they have learned around the academy. Supporting each other is a skill we hold dear within our mindset as we promote safe, ready, respectful and inspiring excellence.