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  • South Axholme
  • Coritani
  • Epworth Primary


The Coritani Mindset Curriculum

The Coritani Mindset Curriculum aims to inspire a love of learning in all subjects that:
•    re-engages learners
•    closes gaps in learning
•    develops social, emotional and mental health skills (safe, ready, respectful)
so that all learners can thrive alongside their peers and be successful in their future in work and life.

The curriculum at Coritani is ambitious in allowing learners to move on to their individual next steps in education.  At Coritani this may mean transitions between key stage 2, 3 and 4, a move  to college or employment or a return to a mainstream setting. Coritani learners are challenged through the curriculum to develop the Coritani Mindset, a set of values developed by the whole school community that allow learners to grow the skills needed to take their next steps and to be successful citizens within a modern world. This includes an aspiration for all learners to achieve academic outcomes at the highest level as it is our belief that a good set of GCSE results are a fundamental currency for learners in life and break down the barriers faced by disadvantaged learners.

The curriculum is designed flexibly for all, as each learner will be attending Coritani for a unique reason and a differing amount of time. As a result, the curriculum is reviewed at least annually to ensure that it is fit for purpose for all learners.

As learners arrive at different stages of development and with different coverage of the curriculum it is important to ensure the focus is on developing the skills required for transition back into mainstream learning.

 In addition to the academic curriculum Coritani offers a personal development curriculum that supports learners developments in social skills, emotions, behaviour and wider aspects of a child’s development. This is assessed using THRIVE and monitored through individual pupil profiles to assess readiness to return to a mainstream environment. 

Key stage 2 learners follow a bespoke nurture curriculum based around their needs. Core skills in literacy, numeracy PSHRE, RE, PE, MFL, IT and Art are delivered alongside thematic learning covering Science, History and Geography to allow greater depth of learning in these areas. Phonics is delivered daily to learners and music is delivered as a 1:1 intervention 30 minutes a week.

At key stage 3, learners follow a nurture curriculum that encompass all aspects of the national curriculum. There is a distinct focus on developing Reading, Literacy and Numeracy as these skills are often not at age related expectations when learners arrive at the Academy. Phonics or reading development is delivered as a 1:1 intervention for all learners.

In key stage 4 there is a focus on ensuring all learners are completing GCSEs that will allow them to achieve in line with their peers in mainstream school.  It is our fundamental belief that all learners should achieve a good set of GCSE results to allow them to take next steps in education or employment.  All learners complete GCSEs in Maths, English Language and Literature, Double Science, Citizenship and option subjects that they have chosen to meet their career aspirations.

All learners follow a PSHRE program designed to help learners develop the Coritani Mindset encompassing RSE, British values, citizenship, careers and work related learning.  PSHRE is targeted at the needs of the learners in the Academy using Doyle’s readiness scale and is also used to discuss issues that are currently relevant in the Academy, for example work focussed on healthy drinks following a number of learners bringing energy drinks into the academy and the local PCSO delivered work on knife crime following concerns from learners about their safety in the community.

In addition to PSHRE learner’s complete life skills lessons to learn how to cook, budget, manage a household, clean, complete the weekly shop, understand food hygiene and learn first aid.

Every learner is challenged to complete 10 Coritani Mindset pledges, these have been developed with the learners to ensure that development of cultural capital extends our ambitions for all learners beyond the classroom and allows for growth in personal development.  For example, by completing regular visits to universities, Art galleries, the theatre, the library, sports events as well as completing in community and charity activities.

A full program of IAG is available within the Academy that goes beyond the Gatsby benchmarking to offer careers counselling to all our learners as they make important decisions about their futures.

Subject leaders develop specific sequenced curriculum for learners by considering learners learning journeys.  This allows them to evaluate where each learner is in relation to age related expectations for the subject and fill in any gaps that learners may have that have resulted because of a previous lack of engagement in education.

Pastoral leaders design enrichment activities and PSHRE/Life Lessons to develop learner’s cultural capital and develop their readiness for learning.

The SENDCO plans for the needs of all learners with EHCPs ensuring targets are relevant, and quality first teaching and interventions are developing learners’ individual needs.


Every learner has a learner profile detailing their academic, cultural and pastoral achievements.  Parents are invited to review meetings each term as well as receiving instant feedback from Class Dojo.

Curriculum assessment is completed in a formative way each lesson with staff tracking learner progress against Age Related Expectations in key stage 2 and 3 and against GCSE criteria at Key Stage 4. Learners are given feedback on progress each lesson.

Learner’s readiness to learn is assessed each half term using Doyle’s readiness to learn scales

Numeracy and Literacy are formally assessed using WRAT tests twice a year and through star reading and numeracy tests

EHCP targets are reviewed each term.

Cultural Capital progress is assessed through monitoring of pledge completion for each learner in learner profiles.

Curriculum Plan

Subject Overviews

Art, Craft and Design

Throughout all key stages  in Art, Craft and Design at Coritani Academy we go beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum. We cover the ability to control materials, tools and techniques and more importantly at Coritani we support our learners to express themselves through the subject in a safe, calm space.

Art opens the eyes to new horizons and introduces learners to new influences through a wide variety of artists. Trips and visits to art exhibitions adds not only to cultural capital but also to the wonder of art appreciation and the rich diversity of the world.

The subject also gives learners time to focus and complete mindful tasks, keeping learners safe and helping with their wellbeing and mental health, giving time to think and reflect and discuss these thoughts within Thrive sessions or seek other support in the academy if required.

Lessons aim to support learners to explore and develop their own style and creativity in a respectful way, supporting independence, imagination and original thought. Projects allow for a visual and tactile experience for learners, with lessons that incorporates skills in a wide range of mediums including clay, 3D modelling, textiles and a wide variety of other art materials that spark a personal interest.

Art projects are kept short to encourage engagement and success and create multiple opportunities of mini outcomes across the term. Projects are designed to be ambitious and accessible by all learners, with varying degrees of challenge and inspiration for individual adaption to meet the interests of the learners and connect to their lives.

Childcare KS4 Option

In Childcare lessons, learners focus on child development. Within this they  learn about how early years settings can promote children’s development through play and how childcare workers implement inclusive practice.  This allows our learners to understand how to be respectful of children and adults in life.

The curriculum allows learners to gain a wider knowledge of children from birth to eight years, which they can apply to their home/living environment and help them to prepare for later life. For example in  learning through play, learners develop an understanding of different play types that help children to develop friendships and be ready for turn taking in future life.  This allows our leaners to develop skills in looking after their own families both now and in the future as well as preparing them for careers in teaching or social care.

Learners also develop understanding of the different resources and activities that are used within Childcare e.g. centile charts, board games, toys that are used within early years’ settings  and health visitors. Giving access to a wide range of resources allows  leaners to understand how these can be used to meet the specific needs of different children.

Within Childcare, learners are encouraged to work independently to create their own revision notes so that they can reflect on them throughout the whole of their lives.   After studying Childcare, learners can go on to follow further childcare courses and qualifications in further education or use the skills they have developed in their personal lives.


At Coritani Academy, Citizenship allows learners to explore the world in a safe environment while providing them with the skills and knowledge to develop their understanding of both their local communities and how things work nationally and internationally. The promotion of healthy debate, personal thoughts and experiences in addition to gaining a greater understanding of those around them assist our learners in becoming ready for their next educational steps and beyond.

Learners develop an understanding of the world around them, including how local and national services work, the media – both social and traditional - world organisations that help in times of crisis and our own government. Using oracy and research skills, learners understanding in their own communities allows them to grow in confidence and make the world more accessible to them while gaining knowledge of current affairs.  Being able to debate and state their own personal feeling and opinions is key to learners’ self-development.

Through the community project, learners are able to use the skills and knowledge gained to research, plan and implement their own community action, enabling a greater sense of belonging.


The English curriculum at Coritani is designed to inspire our learners and create a love of the spoken and written word. We aim to  re-engage and give them an understanding that the skills they learn in English will help them in all aspects of their lives and will enable them to be ready for the  next phase of their education and life beyond that.

Strong reading, oracy and writing skills will ensure successful outcomes for our learners and these skills are at the heart of our English curriculum. To promote a love of reading, our learners are encouraged to choose and read from a range of books.  

English provides a gateway to exploring the ways in which emotion, thoughts and ideas can be communicated and how this key skill will help them in all aspects of life: formulating arguments, telling and retelling stories, discussing ideas and dreams, listening to others and speaking are all at the heart of English at Coritani.

In key stage 2, a book-based approach is used, immersing our learners in a range of genres, authors and styles of writing. This encourages our disengaged learners to a love of reading, writing and the spoken word. We also use real-world applications to encourage learners to be curious about the world around them.  

In key stages 3 and 4, in addition to using a range of literary works, we encourage learner's oracy skills by asking them to contribute positively through discussion. They share their own ideas and thoughts respectfully and this positively influences learners’ social, emotional and mental health by exploring ideas. Tailoring individual learning experiences is key to exploring emotions, thoughts and ideas.   

Film Studies KS4 Option

Film Studies at Coritani helps the leaner be inspired through the medium of film. In Film Studies, we use movies to help build learners’ cultural capital of various topics which can be challenging in other lessons i.e. Poverty, Racism, Drugs and Crime. Film Studies also helps to develop literacy skills through the use of subtitles; every film studied is watched with subtitles so that learners are able to process what is happening on screen with how the words are pronounced and intonated.

Film Studies also offers learners  an opportunity to be creative, requiring them to create a film that is personal and has meaning for them. Film Studies supports learners to see learning in a different format, and to engage in an accessible way that some other areas cannot.

 Film Studies  promotes team work and inclusion, as everyone in the academy can get involved and discuss and share opinion on what we are watching and working on.

Food Technology

In Food Technology the majority of  learners have never experienced being in a kitchen setting in school.  Through lessons, we will instil a love of cooking in learners, and show them that learning how to cook is a crucial life skill enabling them to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.

In lessons, we use simply explained methods when choosing each recipe, and help is always on hand for any student who lacks confidence, or finds the instructions difficult to follow.

We ensure that learners feel safe at all times and are ready to learn new skills or improve skills already achieved. We will always be kind and respectful to one another, ensuring that everyone achieves their finished product with pride, and a sense of achievement.

Practical lessons are assessed on a learner’s abilities to prepare and cook a range of foods safely and hygienically. All learners have the opportunity to make both sweet and savoury dishes to equip them with the skills required to express their creativity and the importance of developing safe skills during preparation.


At Coritani Academy our Geography curriculum has been designed to inspire a love of learning of the world around us. It will help our learners to gain a better grasp of their place in the world, how they effect it and how the world affects them. This will make them more respectful of our environment and the people within it.

Geography is taught through a wide range of geographical topics which build knowledge and enable learners to make links to the world around them, making them ready to visit new places and understand geographical events if and when they happen.

At key stage 2 and 3, learners are encouraged to discuss topics and ask questions to develop a deeper understanding of geographical concepts. This will develop curiosity and make them ready to evaluate the world for themselves. Lessons are arranged in topics that are engineered to re-engage, identify and fill gaps in prior knowledge, ensuring no lost learners. The content of the curriculum inspires learners’ curiosity to know more about the world around them and how it may influence the future. It also encourages  them to ask questions and think critically, helping them to rationalise their place in the world.


At Coritani Academy, our History curriculum has been designed to teach learners to show respect for the past by looking at a wide range of historical events. We expose learners to aspects of the past so that they can see the influences in modern day Britain.

We look at each period of history and discuss the impact of each civilisation/chapter and the effects of the changes in society,  inventions and technology have had on the people within it, drawing conclusions and asking questions to further develop our understanding of how society changes and has changed over time.

Lessons are delivered in a practical, topic-based format that is engineered to re-engage, identify and fill gaps in prior knowledge, ensuring no lost learners. The content of the curriculum inspires learners’ curiosity to know more about the past and how it may influence the future. It also encourages students to ask questions and think critically, helping them to rationalise their place in the world.


At Coritani Academy our ICT curriculum has been designed to create learners who can use ICT equipment confidently and competently. It will help our learners to gain a better understanding of the abilities and opportunities that the world of technology can provide. The use and knowledge of how to operate ICT correctly and proficiently will create a range of opportunities for our students both in the world of work and in their personal lives.

ICT is intertwined with our daily lives and the lives of our students’ whether that be though the use of social media, telecommunications or office packages and coding. It is essential that our students can access, create and interpret data and be ready to operate in a digital world, whilst understanding how to keep themselves safe while online.

Students are encouraged to discuss topics and ask questions to develop a deeper understanding and curiosity about ICT. Learners are actively encouraged to experiment with different types of software and peripherals to create new media. Lessons are arranged in topics that are engineered to re-engage, identify and fill gaps in prior knowledge, ensuring no lost learners. The content of the curriculum inspires learners’ curiosity to know more about the possibility of the digital world and how it will influence the future


At Coritani Academy, we ensure that our mathematics curriculum caters for the needs of each individual to provide them with the skills and knowledge to be ready for their future adventures. We give them the skills to be able to apply mathematics to their every-day lives; knowing how to handle money, order food, plan decorating/DIY projects, invest, purchase  property, calculate wages (or bills if self-employed) and telling the time.  

In lessons we use a wide range of mathematical resources e.g., board games, coins and more to enable learners to be able to access the curriculum through concrete, pictorial and abstract forms wherever possible to meet learners’ needs. They will also learn how to solve problems by approaching an unknown situation in a conceptual way. Throughout lessons, learners will begin to enjoy solving puzzles and experience persevering with problems, a skill they will be able to apply to day-to-day life. In key stage 3 and 4, we inspire excellence through independent learning journeys and supporting the learner's personal response to that.

Our curriculum allows learners to make sense of the world around them, by seeing and understanding the link between mathematics and everyday life.

Modern Foreign Language (MFL)

At Coritani Academy our MFL curriculum has been designed to create learners who can communicate in a language confidently and competently. It will support them to gain a better understanding of other cultures and their values. The learning of a MFL will deepen students’ understanding of the structure of language and communication, enabling them to communicate with each other in more effective ways.

The learning of a MFL is linked to our lives and the lives of our students, whether that be through them going on foreign holidays or encountering MFL speaking people in their lives'.

Learners are encouraged to learn new words and phrases, and in lessons they are encouraged to speak to each other using simple phrases. Learners are actively encouraged to experiment with different greetings and to find their own translations. The content of the curriculum inspires children’s curiosity to know more about MFL and expands their opportunities in life.


At Coritani, we want every learner to know the power of music and the joy it can bring: to experience music as performers and creators, and to understand how music fits into the world at large. We aim to give students the knowledge and skills they need to be safe, active consumers of music, to ensure music plays a positive part in the rest of their lives, whether this involves performing, creating, or appreciating. Music technology can inspire and motivate learners to engage with music who may not have done so previously and promotes wider participation.  It can benefit those moving on to creative industries by giving early exposure to industry standard equipment and processes.

Coritani’s music curriculum is built around DJing and Music Technology, accessible relevant skills that inspire creative excellence.  This allows access into the world of composition and performance.  The Coritani music curriculum is about learning skills and performing until learners have mastered them. All aspects of learning are celebrated, from the development of DJing skills (from Level 1-5), to the selection of music and sound effects to create mixes.  All successes are shared and celebrated on the Soundcloud portal, so that learners can enjoy them with family and friends outside of the academy.

Where learners have a wish to develop a greater depth of musical knowledge or the ability to perform an instrument or have studied music previously, Coritani will ensure the correct support is in place to continue to develop these skills. 


At Coritani leaners will engage in PE that is fun, conducted in a safe environment and that promotes self-confidence, empathy and understanding by encouraging learners to work together and support each other. Coritani will encourage learners to be creative, solve problems and plan by working together, being respectful and developing healthy habits. Learners can address physical and intellectual challenges while learning to be respectful in communicating and managing risk and conflict with each other. Learners at Coritani are ready not just for the fun and physical aspects of PE but their learning journey of growing into an individual.

In PE we work on topics such as Health and Fitness, Mental Health and Wellbeing and, Diet and Nutrition. These topics help our learners lead more healthy and successful lives. Learners are therefore able to make positive health decisions based on the information they have gathered from the subject to increase their quality of life.

At all stages,  PE builds skills that develop coordination, strength and agility for all of Coritani pupils. In key stage 2 we ensure that learners are safe in the water by ensuring they can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres and that they are able to  use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Inspiring excellence for all learners to develop a lifelong love of sport and physical activity means experiencing local/regional sporting events, walks for charity e.g. Pudsey ramble and encouraging them to join local clubs. 


We offer a bespoke phonics programme for individuals identified as having gaps in their alphabetic code and are struggling to decode words.  The programme involves breaking down phonics and reading strands into smaller steps to accelerate the learners’ reading progress. Intensive, targeted support is given to address specific gaps in a learners reading.

Learners read books, which match the sound/s they are practicing. Fluency skills (expression, tone, pace, phrasing, smoothness, automaticity) are practiced to allow learners to become proficient readers and leads to a deepening of their comprehension skills. 

This targeted support to help  learners reach a good standard of reading is a pivotal position for them to achieve,  so they can access other subjects confidently, which in turn will give them the skills, knowledge, understanding and self-belief to become confident in the wider world.

Photography Key Stage 4 Option

At Coritani Academy, GCSE Photography allows learners to develop their self-awareness and encourages a deeper understanding of learners own creative side whilst delving into personal preferences and dislikes. The personal nature of the subject allows learners to self-explore and directly impact the direction of their own work.

The development of skills and knowledge include IT, software specific information, technology including cameras and lighting in addition to subject specific details such as camera angles, using specialised equipment and processing. Whatever direction a learner decides to take with their photography they are able to request specific items, props or outings to suit their own needs ensuring that a truly personalised journey is achieved and allows learners freedom to explore their own creativity.


PSHRE at Coritani is responsive to the altering needs of our learners. We plan and deliver inclusive lessons around the issues that our learners are experiencing and make our learner voice needs a priority.

The Coritani values of safe, ready and respectful underpin all of the lessons within PSHRE, Life and healthy eating in key stage 2 Food and Nutrition. The curriculum for all key stages aims to give learners the skills they need to become valued and responsible citizens, equipping them with the knowledge and understanding that they need to be part of the modern world around them and become useful and valued members of society.

PSHRE gives learners the opportunity to gain knowledge, understanding and share their views on a wide variety of subjects not covered elsewhere in the school curriculum. Lessons offer a safe space to challenge misconceptions, respectfully discuss views and opinions and signpost learners to places where further information, help and advice can be accessed. With the help of outside agencies such as Big Talk and Mental Health professionals, along with dedicated enrichment days, our broad and balanced PSHRE  curriculum covers the requirements set out in the National Curriculum and links to the PSHRE Association framework.

Linking to PSHRE, Life lessons at key stage 3 give learners the opportunity to visit local parks and cafes to help them engage socially with their peers and build and strengthen relationships, as well as experiencing cultural opportunities that would very often be beyond their reach. Being able to be a responsible part of society is an important skill and these experiences help learners to be safe and respectful around others. These holistic SMSC experiences help to shape and develop learners into responsible, self-assured and caring young adults ready for a diverse society


At Coritani Academy our RE curriculum has been designed to inspire a love of learning of the people of  the world. It  supports learners to gain a better understanding of the cultures and traditions of ourselves and others. This enables them to be respectful of other people’s thoughts and feelings.

RE is taught through a spectrum of religious ideals and topics which build knowledge and enable learners to make links to the world and people around them. In turn this makes them ready to meet new people and understand religious events if and when they encounter them.

At key stage 2 and 3, learners are encouraged to discuss topics and ask questions to develop a deeper understanding of religious aspects and concepts. This will develop curiosity and make them ready to evaluate the world for themselves. Lessons are arranged in topics that are engineered to re-engage, identify and fill gaps in prior knowledge, ensuring no lost learners. The content of the curriculum inspires children’s curiosity to know more about the people within the world and how it may influence the decisions and actions they may take. It also encourages students to ask questions and think critically, helping them to rationalise their place alongside others in the world.


The aim of the science curriculum at Coritani is to immerse learners in science, capturing their imagination and helping them find a love for learning. We encourage learners to understand the importance of Science and how we see it in our everyday lives, for example Chemistry helps us understand the chemicals in our bodies and Physics helps us understand how different everyday objects interact with each other.

Wherever possible topics are taught practically, to ascertain a basic subject knowledge and to help identify gaps in knowledge.  Theoretical concepts follow on from experiments and investigations. Lessons are adapted to suit the needs of the individual. Small groups at Coritani enable much discussion work, building relationships and tangential offshoots to be followed and so to maintain interest. Practical handling skills are reinforced. Learners are filled with awe and wonder, building their self esteem and independence alongside their subject knowledge. Conversations flow with learners when they recount the science that they’ve experienced in their lives the day before. The ultimate intent is for learners to leave Coritani with a confidence in Science, the ability to see Science in their everyday lives and a sound knowledge base.